Friday, September 25, 2009

Spreadsheet and Forms update.

Dear 5R,
Kudos on trying your best for Sports Day!

Please look at the right side of the class blog if you cannot access the spreadsheet and the form at Google Sites.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


1) Please click here to download Photo resizer program if you need.
I will put the instructions on how to use it via Google Docs powerpoint.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


1) Reading and Picture Description practice.

Please click here to access 5R's Google Sites. You must log in to get access. Please follow the instructions.

2) English MPH WS, Page 25-30, 43-44 and 46

3) Maths Workbook - I've told you in class.

4) Don't forget your OLE.
Good luck!