Friday, April 10, 2009

One giant leap--- The Singapore Women's Mt Everest Team

After climbing Mt Kinabalu and Mt Ophir, I know that mountain climbing is not easy at all. The team must work together and overcome their own fears and also be fit and alert. I salute the Singapore Women's team and wish them all the best in their journey. I wish I could join them though.

Click here to read about their travels and look at the beautiful photos.

Please give them your best wishes by clicking comments on this blog entry and I will post the entire class's wishes to them!

Update on 17th April. I've sent them our class' well-wishes! Thank you 5R!

Update on 20th April
Click here to read the article from the NEW PAPER.

What Good Friday and Easter are about...

Good Friday
Click here

Click here

Do you want to exchange books?

Dear 5R,
this is an interesting article from Channelnewsasia. For your information. If you are going to exchange the books, please ask your parents to read this article and seek their permission before exchanging any book.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My first aid course.

Dear 5R,
Impeccable manners? Being aware?

How have you been?
I am attending a course on first aid. What I am learning for first aid is somewhat similar to this .

It is not easy to become certified but I am going to do my best!

Well done! Congratulations!
